While group classes are an established way to teach BJJ largely because of the diversity of training partners, private lessons are a perfect complement to your practice. The benefits of private lessons include scheduling flexibility, personal attention, and linear presentation of techniques. Private lessons are taught by Professor Vinicius Agudo and the individual attention received will not only ensure that you get world class training but also each technique is done with the utmost precision and focus on detail.

Single lessons and private instruction packages available. Private lessons can also be done with two people. Split the cost with a friend and improve your practice just like with a 1-on-1 private!

*Prices available upon request.


  • Individual attention from your professor: You have your professor all to yourself, so if you are having trouble with anything in sparring or have any other questions it is easy to get answers. Even if you just need advice on your game or tips on what to work on, privates are the perfect time to get that game changing technique you may not of even known you needed.

  • Customizable help: Your professor can give you valuable feedback about your BJJ including bringing to light your good and bad habits. This will help you improve much faster, and give you a better idea of what you need to work on. Professor can go over techniques that will work for your game specifically and that you can add in immediately.

  • Flexible scheduling: Sometimes work may get busy and classes could be hard to attend with a busy schedule, but with privates you have way more flexibility. It’s easy to find a time that will work with your schedule to take a quick one hour private, so you can continue to progress.

  • Quicker road towards achieving your goals: Private lessons can put you one step ahead of your competition, and give you that edge you need. When you are learning BJJ you need to have an answer for every situation, and taking a private can help you find those answers more quickly.

  • Train with your Professor: Private lessons are also a chance for you to train with your professor, which can teach you a lot. It may be hard to get this opportunity in a large class setting so taking advantage of private lessons can get professor to analyze your game better and point out holes in your game.